Master’s Degree Requirements

  • Students who want to apply for a Masters Degree as an “alternate” degree and continue on for the PhD should check the Information on AM or MS Degrees above and must have approval from the Ph.D. Coordinator before applying for a Masters degree.
  • Students may not apply for a Masters degree if they have not taken a Qualifying or Prelim exam; completed a minimum of 8 CU’s of Coursework and a major research paper requirement.
  • The Ph.D. degree and the AM/MS Masters’ Degrees are NOT Professional MBA degrees. The Ph.D., AM or MS are academic research degrees.
  • You cannot get an MBA degree while you are enrolled in a Ph.D. degree program.
  • The requirements for obtaining a Masters Degree vary by department. *Check with your Department PhD Coordinator.
  • A substantial research paper approved by the Graduate Group is a mandatory requirement for the Research Masters Degree and cannot be waived.
  • For international students, if you decide to leave the program prior to completing the PhD, your OPT clock starts from the date you received your last degree.   If you received a Master’s en route to the PhD then your OPT clock starts from the date your Master’s degree was conferred.