Wharton Doctoral Programs
Applied Economics
Christina Zhang
- One of the 2012 recipients of the “Penn Prize for Excellence in Teaching by Graduate Students”
Andrew Paciorek, Ph.D. 2011
- Received the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association Dissertation Award
“Social Interaction Effects and Individual Portfolio Choice: Evidence from 401(k) Pension Plan Investors” by Timothy Lu
- Award for the Best Doctoral Student Paper in Behavioral Finance, Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics, 2011
Cindy Soo
- AFA Doctoral Student Travel Grant, American Economic Association, 2011
Health Care Management and Economics
Shulamite Chiu
- Wins AcademyHealth Best Student Abstract Award, “Medicare Advantage Multi-Product Risk Selection”
Erin Taylor
- AHRQ Health Services Research Dissertation Grant Award, 2012
William Mann
- Stuart I. Greenbaum Award for Best Finance Dissertation at the Annual Conference held by Washington University in St. Louis, November 1-3, 2013.
Darien Huang
- “Best Paper on Derivatives” at the 2013 Northern Finance Association Conference in Quebec city.
Christine Dobridge
- de la Cruz Fellowship for research in behavioral finance , 2012.
Brent Glover
- Charles River Associates Award for the Best Corporate Finance Paper, Western Finance Association Meeting, 2011
- SAC Capital Awards, Western Finance Association Meeting, 2011
Oliver Levine
- SAC Capital Awards, Western Finance Association Meeting, 2011
James Park
- SAC Capital Awards, Western Finance Association Meeting, 2011
Justin Berg
Baker Center PhD Grant 2013 for research project “Creative Forecasting: Improving the Selection and Rejection of Novel Ideas in Organizations” Faculty Advisor: Adam Grant
- A recipient of the 2012 Penn Prize for Teaching Excellence by a Graduate Student.
- Finalist, Best Paper, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2010 (one of the top five papers in JOB in 2010)
- Finalist, Best Paper in Positive Organizational Scholarship, 2010
Thomas Klueter
- Best Conference Paper PhD Prize, Strategic Management Society, 2010
- Nominee, Best Paper for Practical Implications Award, Strategic Management Society, 2010
Andrew Knight (placed at Washington University of St. Louis, 2010. PhD 2009)
- Best Conference Paper Based on a dissertation, OB Division, Academy of Management, 2011
Joon Mahn Lee
- Nominee, Best Conference Paper PhD Prize, Strategic Management Society, Miami Conference 2011
Philipp Meyer-Doyle
- Nominee, Best Paper for Practical Implications Award, Strategic Management Society, Miami Conference, 2011
Lite Narteyx (placed at University of South Carolina, 2011. PhD Expected 2012)
- Nominee, Best Paper for Practical Implications Awad, Strategic Management Society, Miami Conference 2011
- Douglas Nigh Award for Best Paper by a junior scholar, IMD Division, academy of Management, 2011
- Nominee, Robert H. Schaffer Award for the best Paper in Applied Intenational Management, IMD Division, Academy of Management, 2011
- Aspen Institute’s Center for Business Education, Dissertation Proposal Award, 2010
- Best Paper, Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability (ARCS) PhD Sustainability Academy, 2010
- Nominee, Haynes Prize for the Most Promising Scholar, 2010
Ram Ranganathan
- Strategy Research Foundation Grant for Dissertation Proposal “Controlling or Complying? The Opportunities and Challenges of Coordinated Technological Change” Ram will present his paper as a member of a select panel of Dissertation Scholars at the Strategic Management Society’s Conference in Prague, October 7-9, 2012.
- Finalist, Best Paper Award, Strategic Management Society, Miami Conference, 2011
- Best Conference Paper Based on a dissertation, OB Division, Academy of Management, 2011
Operations and Information Management
Hengchen Dai
- Baker Center PhD Grant 2013 for Research Project with Marketing PhD Student Cindy Chan, Don’t Tell Me What to Do! Consumer Reviews Are Valued Less for Experiential Purchases. Faculty Advisor: Cassie Mogilner
Santiago Gallino
- Baker Center PhD Grant 2013 for Research Project, Online-Offline Retail Dilemmas: An Empirical Analysis of ‘Showrooming’ Faculty Advisor: David Bell
Dokyun Lee
- Baker Center PhD Grant 2013 for Research Project, “Friending Consumers”: The Effect of Advertising Content on Consumer Engagement in social Media and Online Retail. Faculty Advisor: Kartik Hosanagar
Alison Wood
- Best Conerence Paper with a Student as First Author, International Association for Conflict Management, 2010
- Winkelman Fellowship, 2010-2013
- Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center Ackoff Fellowship, 2009-2011
Joel Wooten
- Mack Center Fellowship, 2011-2012
Julie Novak
- Baker Center PhD Grant 2013 for research project A Model for Estimation of Anonymous Visits on Websites. Faculty Advisors: Eric Bradlow (primary), Elea Feit, Shane Jensen
Jose Zubizarreta
- President Guttman Leadership Awward –Spring 2012
Emil Pitkin
- First Prize in the Penn Art of Research Symposium, May 2012
Jonathan Berman
- A winner of the 2013 MSI Alden G. Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition.
Valeria Montero
- Baker Center PhD Grant 2013 for Research, Project Multi-Partner Loyalty Programs Faculty Advisor: Eric Bradlow
Kyu Kim
- 2013 JCR Ferber Award for Dissertation Paper ” Space, time and intertemporal preferences”.