The Fourth Annual Wharton-INSEAD PhD Consortium, sponsored by the Wharton-INSEAD Alliance, took place from September 30th to October 2nd, 2015, at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA). The scholarly cornerstone continued to be research in the management field, and thus, presentations featured research that advanced the sub-fields of entrepreneurship, international business, organizational behavior, human resources management, organizational theory, and strategy.
Forty-four doctoral students attended the days’ sessions which included student presentations, keynote presentations, and faculty panels featuring Wharton and INSEAD affiliates. The students from INSEAD represented the departments of Strategy, OB, Entrepreneurship, and Technology & Operations Management. The Wharton students were primarily from Management representing the sub-fields of Strategy, Organizational Behavior, Entrepreneurship, Human & Social Capital, and Multinational Management, and were joined by colleagues from the departments of Business Economics & Public Policy; Operations, Information, & Decisions; as well as Ethics & Legal Studies.
Selected faculty panels included the following: (1) “Published! Discussion with Associate Editors from A Journals” Workshop, which aimed to provide Consortium participants with invaluable and practical insights into the publication process from current and former editors of multiple journals including Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, and Strategy Science; (2) “What’s Interesting? Surveying Hot Topics in Management Science” Workshop, which introduced Consortium participants to those areas of management science that are generating the most promising research, as well as those areas now at the frontiers of the discipline that may become “hot” in the future; and (3) Lunchtime Discussion: “Is Management Scholarship Relevant?”, which aimed to explore the balance between scientific distance and practical relevance, and to encourage students to think about how their work relates to the community outside academia.
We would especially like to acknowledge the robust support from the Wharton faculty in helping make this year’s Consortium a success. In particular, we would like to extend our appreciation to Sigal Barsade, Matthew Bidwell, Emilie Feldman, Mauro Guillen, Martine Haas, Vit Henisz, Katherine Klein, Dan Levinthal, John Paul MacDuffie, Anoop Menon, and Nancy Rothbard. On behalf of our participating students, we could not have been more grateful for their invaluable and practical insights on the topics of publishing, “hot” topics, and the relevance of management scholarship – the three faculty panels at this year’s Consortium.
Lastly, we would be remiss if we did not highlight all of those behind the scenes that have made this event possible: Tom Robertson, Linda Kaelin, Michele Klekotka, Eric Bradlow, Maggie Saia, Gidget Murray, Serguei Netessine, Suzanne Sellier Di Sano, Alina Jacquet, and other members from the Wharton-INSEAD Alliance. Thank you for all your assistance and guidance!
Click here to view pictures from the event
Click here for more information about the Wharton-INSEAD Alliance