Wharton PhD Student News

Who’s Next in Science, Tech, Engineering & Math: Meet 12 young Philly leaders (BillyPenn)


 Nora V. Becker

 Title: PhD, MD Candidate, Wharton School of Business and Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania

Age: 30

Who’s Next because:

Becker is a student in the combined degree MD/PhD program at the University of Pennsylvania, where she recently completed the PhD portion of her education, obtaining her doctorate in the Department of Health Care Management and Health Economics at the Wharton Business School — and she’s currently finishing her final years of medical school. Her recent paper in the journal Health Affairs about women seeing huge decreases in out-of-pocket spending on contraceptives after the Affordable Care Act received widespread attention from The New York Times to the White House Twitter feed. Becker plans to complete a medical residency program after graduation and pursue a career as a physician-scientist, combining clinical care for patients and doing research in the areas of health insurance, health policy and health economics.  Before coming to Penn, Becker worked as a staffer on Barack Obama’s presidential campaign and then as an administrative assistant in the White House. Find her on Twitter at @norabecker47.

Finance PhD Student, Andrew Wu, wins the 2015 BlackRock Applied Research Award

Andrew Wu, who is on the job market this year, won the 2015 BlackRock Applied Research Award and will receive $25,000.

Students on the job market from top universities were nominated for the award. Finalists presented their papers at the final event in New York . At the event, the jury decided to give the award to Andrew for his job-market paper “Shock Spillover and Financial Response in Supply Chain Networks: Evidence from Firm-Level Data”.

You can see the formal announcement of this award and the results on BlackRock’s website here: https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/en-us/newsroom/press-releases/article/corporate-one/press-releases/blackrock-applied-research-award-winner_US.

You can see more information about Andrew’s work here:https://fnce.wharton.upenn.edu/profile/1661/.

Congratulations, Andrew!!

Congrats to the Wharton-INSEAD Team!

Read about the 4th Annual PhD Wharton-INSEAD Consortiu
